10 THINGS with Ashley Dyke

RM: You come from a family of successful lawyers. How did you get away with becoming an actress?

AD: It was actually a lot easier then you might think! My parents were completely supportive of my acting ambitions, and encouraged me to major in theater in college. I actually think my dad should have been an actor. I enlisted my parents to act in a show I did in college. My dad showed up on set, late, wearing a NYU Tisch ball cap. During a scene where he had no lines, he kept improvising. I was like “Dad! What are you doing?!” His response, “I hear Denzel (Washington) improvises….” And that is my father.

RM: You have a number of plays performed in the theater scene on your resume. How does having such a background help you with roles you take on television or film?

AD: I love performing theater. It’s a brand new experience each night; which is both exciting and challenging. I thrive off the energy of a live audience, it actually helps me connect with my character in a much more intense and deep way.

RM: You’ve portrayed a variety of characters. What type of characters do you gravitate to most?

AD: I love working on characters that inspire me to look inside myself to see what I am made of, in order to understand them fully and express them truthfully. I love to explore the human experience, in all it’s forms, and tell the stories that need and deserve to be told. That type of exploration allows me to appreciate my own life.



RM: What has been your most challenging role thus far?

AD: My role as Anna in 12 Years a Slave was my most challenging. It was the easiest set to work on. However, the exploration of Anna required me to dig deeply which was very difficult, but completely necessary. Without giving too much away, Anna represents the culmination of so many stories of slavery that are untold. Being asked to tell Anna’s story was a wonderful and huge responsibility. Helping tell the story of my ancestors was a dream come true, as well as a daunting and beautiful task. Anna already was a part of me. I just needed to find her. There is no greater artist or supporter to take you on that journey than Steve McQueen. We were all in safe hands.

RM: Tell us about your experience working with the likes of Brad Pitt and PaulGiamatti in the film 12 Years a Slave.

AD: I did not get the opportunity to work on set with Brad or Paul. Such a bummer!! Many of the cast members did not work together, Solomon’s story moved from plantation to plantation, which were different worlds. As soon as one of us was wrapping, someone else was coming in. Nevertheless, there is a shared pride and connection that is instant when you work on a project like 12 Years a Slave. Being a part of telling one of the most important stories with unflinching honesty does connect you.

RM: Having the right story line and the right actors is half the success. A great director knows how to bring it all together. Which directors’ work have been most inspired by?

AD: I fell in love with Martin Scorsese, Orson Wells and Stanley Kubrick growing up. They helped me understand that film was an art form. More recently when I saw Shame for the first time, Steve McQueen’s second feature, I was blown away. His ability to expose the human struggle with dignity, hope and understanding is powerful. Above all else, I felt his alliance to the story. That is incredible film-making. That is riveting to watch.



RM: Who would you like to work with from your actors wish list?

AD: I would love to work with Robert De Niro or Meryl Streep. I get the sense that they are alive in every moment. They are at that place in their career where it seems like they are having the time of their lives with their work! They are doing things that excite them. Working with someone operating on that level is amazing.

RM: When it comes to your personal style, which fashion designers fit your mode?

AD: Everyday wear, hands down, I love Rag and Bone. When I come home with shopping bags in hand, my fiancé says, “no, please, no more, no….” I love the designs coming from Alexander McQueen , Stella McCartney, Erdem, and Pucci. I think their creations are timeless and completely inventive. I love fashion that looks like it should be in a museum.



RM: What does a relaxing day look like for you when you’re not working on set?

AD: A relaxing day for me starts in the morning taking time for myself, enjoying my fiancé and our new home, and having tea in our kitchen. I usually head to yoga where I can focus my energy on calming my mind. Then, maybe a visit to the spa. But now I am getting a little bit into the best day ever, not just a relaxing day! Next thing you know, I will be eating pizza and popcorn while hanging out with Barack Obama! Best Day EVER!

RM: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. What other projects can we look forward to seeing in the near future?

AD: I just finished working on a show, Safe World, with Maribeth Monroe from Workaholics, and I just filmed a guest star role on Robin Williams’ new show for CBS, The Crazy Ones…which was totally insane and exciting. I had a great time shooting it, because it was such a wonderful and welcoming set. Besides that, I am ready to work!

 You can visit www.ashleydyke.com to keep updated on my work.