Regard Magazine Cait Scudder


Entrepreneur – Cait Scudder

You’re a successful business coach to women. How did you get started with your business and what were some motivating factors to you doing so?

I started my business in mid 2017, from my laptop in Bali, after a year and a half of dreaming, planning, and asking myself if I was “ready” and had what it took to start my own business. One of the key factors that catalyzed me to action, was that I joined mastermind that held me accountable to my goal of launching my business. That support caused me to put my perfectionism on ice and leap before I felt ready, a decision I could not be more proud of or grateful for, as I’ve learned that one of the most crucial elements to success is deciding to act even when it feels uncomfortable.

I started my coaching practice as a women’s empowerment coach, and specialized in helping women dare to make empowering lifestyle and career choices that reflected their core desires and values. Within only a couple months, I had a full client roster of coaching clients, sold out group programs, and women asking me to expand my coaching, in order to show them how I’d learned to leverage the power of social media marketing to design the business I had for myself. I found that my real passion and niche in the coaching space is showing women the power of empowerment through entrepreneurship; namely, learning to uncover their own unique genius and boldly turn that into a brand that changes the world.

Regard Magazine Cait Scudder

Without giving away any of your secrets, what are some challenges that women face which prevents them from having a successful business?

Imposter syndrome or the belief that we aren’t “qualified enough, ready enough, smart enough, trained enough, experienced enough, old enough, young enough” is a negative belief that stops so many women from reaching the heights they’re made for. This translates in business drastically as women not being “sold” on themselves and the authority they have, the permission they have to take up space and boldly build and lead a company, or achieve a certain level of success is the single biggest factor that stops most women from making the impact and income they are made of. A simple potent exercise I give to my clients battling imposter syndrome to help them anchor back into the depth of their own power:

List out every story you’re telling yourself of why you’re not “ready” or “enough” on one side of the paper. On the other, list every single experience you can think of, in your professional life and personal trajectory, that has prepared you from the work you’re bringing into the world now.

By listing out the unspoken often quite negative thoughts in our mind, we loosen the grip those negative thoughts have. Similarly, by writing out and thinking through every piece of our experience that has prepared us for what we’re doing now, it allows us to see and believe, and be sold on the work we’re doing now. It’s a confidence booster and a mindset shift all in one.

Regard Magazine Cait Scudder


Traveling has been a big part of your platform. What are some similarities and differences that you’ve seen from women across the globe?

One thing I am incredibly mindful of having lived 4 of the last 5 years in southeast Asia, is the extraordinary privilege and opportunity we have as western women to make a massive impact on the world around us. 

I’ve lived more outside the United States in the past decade than in, working in Central America among local farming women and families, living in Southeast Asia, and traveling through Europe, and Australia, and one thing I know to be true is that the entrepreneurial spirit and the platform of possibility women have in the United States is something truly special.

When the Dalai Lama famously said, “the world will be saved by western women,” I think what he meant was, it’s the very rise of empowered, compassionate, intelligent, socially conscious women leaders stepping into their power that will have the greatest impact on humanity. I’m reminded every time I return to the United States what a gift we have here to use our voices, our stories, our platforms, and our privilege to positively impact and uplift those around us.

Regard Magazine Cait Scudder


What advice would you give to entrepreneurs that would want to start a business much like yours, helping others achieve success?

Pay attention to what most lights you up, the problems you feel most passionate about helping others solve, and the greatest need you see in the world around you. This is the place to start when asking yourself, “What kind of business do I want to start?” You can build any business you dream of, but the businesses that achieve long term success are those built on a mission and movement greater than themselves. When you’re able to connect your passion with a problem that needs solving, you’re already on the road to success. Secondly, ask yourself: What makes your approach, brand, or business different than anyone else? What’s the genius you bring to the table that no one else has? This is where your brand loyalty and magnetism is going to come from, and what will ultimately build not only a loyal following but a true community of people committed to you and the work you bring forth.

When it comes to fashion, which designers and styles appeal most to your personality?

My style is bold, casual, with a sass that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Most days of the week you can find me in skinny jeans, a blouse or graphic tee, and a blazer with white sneakers (or, when I work from my home office, in unicorn slippers, because lets be real, that work from home life is where it’s at. I have a few staple accessories I love — my black Chanel tote and black Gucci belt – but most staples are brands I can live and breathe in. I love Kut from the Kloth jeans and Banana Republic blazers.

Regard Magazine Cait Scudder

What exciting new ventures and projects do you have coming up in the near future? 

My podcast Born to Rise is continuing to expand which is one of my favorite ways to share free educational and inspiration content to women interested in growing themselves and their businesses. I also have a handful of business building programs for women I’m launching throughout 2020, and as always, share free business building resources and content inside my free Facebook community, The Radiant Entrepreneur, which can be joined here. I also have two business retreats for women this year: One in Bali in April and one in Palm Springs in June.


Instagram: @CaitScudder

Facebook: The Radiant Entrepreneur